Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Between Two Ends Narrative (Plan)

My Reflection

This is my plan for the Between Two Ends Narrative. It talks about what chapter/scene I am writing out. I found it a bit stressful because the book is hard to tag along. 

My Biophere

My Reflection

In our biosphere we made a potato crops for the agriculture level. We also had fruit trees. We had a kitchen in our living area to preparing food.

Trees take carbon dioxide and release oxygen. We have trees in our agriculture level. We have a laboratory which has all the water cylinder and power box.

We have a water recycling system. This cycles the water around keeping it clean for our living. Our water recycling system is in the laboratory.

The outside of our biosphere is made of glass mixed with plastic and metal to create a hard surface. This keeps us safe. We have sheep because they produce wool, this is to make clothing.

We have a living area with a couch, TV, speakers, beds, books, kitchen, dining areas. These are for relaxing and general living 

Pirate Ship Net

Thursday, 13 October 2016

Pet Frog Balled

My Reflection
It took me one day to make this balled poem
It was quite easy making the rhymes
I got through the last paragraph in 5 minutes
Overall it was pretty fun to do.
I think it was pretty easy and if I had the choice to do it again I would

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

M.E.R.C Certificate

My Reflection:

The whole of the year six group received a certificate for participating in the Sir Peter Blake Camp M.E.R.C which stands for Marine Education Recreation Centre. 

Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Auckland City Silhouette

Room 20 has been has been learning to make a New Zealand Auckland City silhouette. The first thing we did was the sunset. We blended colours and had to paint from left to right. We had to blend the colours to make the sunset look effective. After that we used a sponge to colour the water . Finally we sketched our silhouette then cut it out and this is our finished product.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Diary Post T2 W8

In the past few weeks I have been doing / learning things like:

Last week I went to Netball Field Day which was a day where kids sign up to go and play netball at the courts in Pakuranga. There was a lot of schools there and my team won
 2 games.  


For art we have been doing Agamographs which is a piece of art, when you look at it one way it will be an image but when you look at it the other way its a different image. The way we would make this was by cutting the paper into strips and then glue them onto a folded image.

A couple of days ago we where doing Matariki rotations where we would go to different class rooms and do different things based on Matariki: Matariki legends, reading about Matariki, boomwackers which is a tube and how long they are means they will make a different noise, we decorated star cookies representing Matariki and the we ate them, Then made Matariki kites out of paper straw and string.

We made a Solar System made out of toilet paper. We had to roll the toilet paper and we would draw all the planets onto the Solar System. We would have to space it out in proportion so it would be like a Solar System in real life. Soon we will making out of Paper Mache.

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Fractions Of A Set

My Reflection:
In this task I had to explain the types of fractions and what they meant.
I had to find out the answer.
Trickiest part: finding  the answer for fractions.
easiest part: writing down what fractions are which.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Grid Value Portrait

Last term our class started to make a grid value portrait of our self. First we had to take a picture of our self then we would draw a grid line on an A3 paper and for each grid we would draw a pattern and to make the pattern Trickiest part: The trickiest part was to draw the grid evenly because I had to rub out some of the grid and do it again. To make it look like our face we would have to use different technique of shading.

Favourite part: Was making the patterns because we could do any pattern we want and I also liked spacing the patterns to make them dark and light.
Easiest part: The easiest part was to outline my body on to the paper because both papers had grids. 

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Persuasive Techniques In Commercial

I was learning how to use persuasive techniques.
Me and my group created a Powtoon ad with my group (Brandon, Gabriel, and Artemas.) We had to work together to make the script for the advertisement, the reason we did our ad was for convince our parents to take kids outside. 

The steps we did our ad in was: 

  1.  Talked about holidays
  2. Plan/Script
  3. Record voice over/Animate
The way we would convince our parents was having some persuasive techniques:

  1. Bandwagon
  2. Expert opinion
  3. Slogan 
  4. Reputation
  5. Testimonial
  6. Emotional Appeal
My group used a couple of persuasive

  1. Slogan
  2. Expert opinion
  3. Reputation
I think next time I make a story I could improve on using more persuasive techniques.

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Diary Post

In the last few weeks of school we have been learning and doing different types of things in school. If you have seen my last diary post we finished our pattern art this is what it looks like. (image here) We've moved on to our next art project which is pixel art, I did some different things in mine like batman, robotic Mario, Kylo Ren etc.
The pixel art is really awesome and fun because we get to use our imagination to create what ever we want and it is really fun. I stayed up a bit late to finish this batman but it was worth it.

We also did a awesome activity, an Easter egg hunt! We had to hunt for eggs of course but the way we found the clues was: their was a question that the teacher was holding and then we had to find the area were the clue led to then there would be a letter on a small plastic egg and then we would have to go back and ask if we got the right letter and if we did we would move on to the next clue.

Thursday, 17 March 2016

Gender Roles

My Reflection:
In this activate we had to explain gender roles. I felt kind of confused because I didn't know much about the Maori culture but know that I've wrote this I figured out a bit more about this interesting culture.

I found this hard at first but when we did a class brainstorm (plan) it became really easy because we got explained some stuff about the Maori culture and some ideas of what they might do. I think my next step is to learn a bit more is about the Maori culture.

Whale Rider Chapter 8

My Reflection
My class has been learning about bias. We had to highlight the parts of the story where Koro Apirana was being bias. Bias is a form of: Racism, Sexism or other cultural beliefs. it was not a big chapter and easy to read. The positives were there was only a small bit were Koro Apirana was being bias.  

Monday, 7 March 2016

My Peer Mediator Video

My Reflection:

It can be challenging making a video because we don't really what the other people might say.
I found it tricky because we had to keep making the video because we kept messing up even know it supposed to be an one shot video but then we got it. I think my next step would be practising a bit more.

Friday, 4 March 2016

Term 1 Week 5

In the past five weeks we've been learning a lot of things at school.

We have made music using our body parts. Like mouth, hands feet etc we made some pretty cool beats.                                                                                           
We are doing a really cool pattern artwork at the moment, first we had to take a picture of our self then
drew a grid over our photo. Know were up to making a pattern.
It looks like this.
We also do an activity called Youth town witch is on every Tuesday. Its when we learn and play a fun game. The only Game we've do one game at the moment is capture the flag (we use a ball instead.) What we need to do in this game is capture the other teams ball but also we need to protect or own. How do we defend? We can defend by tagging  the other teams but you can only tag them if your in your own territory. If you get tagged.
you have to wait until one of your team mates grabs you and takes you back to your home base. 

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Relating to Characters

My Reflection
I was learning to relate to the characters in the text. I had to find what characters were similar.
I found it easy because the teacher read a chapter of the story so we just had listen about what there
personality's was It was easy because we have already read about 8 chapters. My next step is to probably think of some more ideas for me.

Statistical Inquiry Cycle

A lot of people play sports as their activate
The biggest group is the one who do nothing
Most people do activates That involve teamwork

My Reflection

I have learnt to use the statistical inquiry cycle. We had to ask questions,
collect data, organise data, display graph analyse trends.

I found this easy because we just had to send out a Google doc and my class
can type what they do.

I found it hard to analyse the data because I had to ask a lot of question and got confused.

My next step is to ask for more help and learn more about analysing.

Friday, 19 February 2016

First Day Of School Description

My reflection
I used some of my senses. But I could have done better.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Year 6 - 2016